We are a body of Christian believers from various nationalities and denominations who find their unity in the Christian faith, which centers on the historic person of Jesus Christ, God's own Son. It is our desire to know Christ as Lord and Savior and to make Him known. As evangelical Christians we consider the Bible to be the standard of all we believe and of how we live. You can read more about what we believe in our Statement of Faith.
As a congregation, we elect from our midst men who fulfil the biblical qualifications for spiritual leadership as outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. In fulfilling their own calling, they desire to help the members of the body to fulfil theirs:
Eph 4:11-13 NIV "It was he (i.e., God) who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, (12) to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (13) until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."
Kyle Tromanhauser, and his wife Matilda, currently serving as missionary pastor at MCF
Update will follow soon.
Alec Clelland
I came to a personal faith in Christ at the age of 16, lying in a field staring at the stars. The sense of wonder at the Creation has never left me. At the time I lived in the UK and subsequently studied electrical engineering in London, during which time two men greatly influenced my spiritual development: Dick Lucas, rector of St Helens Bishopsgate, and Kenneth Moynagh, a missionary first in Africa and then to students.
After graduating I trained as a patent attorney and during that time was introduced to a girl living in the same apartment block as me: "you really must meet Mary - she's a Sunday School teacher you know". We've been married for 38 years and have two daughters, Rachel (aka Ruby) who lives in Berlin, and Sarah, who lives in London with husband Matt and three children. Mary and I work as a team. If at all possible we end the day by praying together. It's a great blessing to be married to somebody who not only encourages me but holds my feet to the fire when necessary.
For the last 35 years we've lived in Bavaria and for 33 of them I worked in the European Patent Office, ending as Chairman of one of the Appeal Boards. Most retired people go back to their country of origin but somehow we've never gotten around to it - mainly I think because the Lord has given us a ministry in Munich. My primary ministry is teaching. I'm still a work in progress, and Mary thinks my people skills could be improved a little, but I tell her to imagine what I'd be like if the Holy Spirit were not actively working!
Thomas Leg
I was born in 1961, as the last of 5 children. My parents and my older siblings are simple people. They brought me up and sheltered me, providing for a happy and carefree childhood. Raised in the church, like many young people, I stopped attending church at around 16 years of age, which caused my mother a lot of grief. After my Abitur, I went on to do my 15-month military service. After completing my translation/interpreting studies at Saarbrücken University, I came to Munich to work as a translator for Siemens at the age of 26.
It was in Munich that I heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time at the age of 27. I remember vividly how God's Holy Spirit began to bring conviction of sin to me. Over a period of time, I realized that I needed to be forgiven and to forgive. I asked God for his forgiveness and help to live a better life. I still remember how wonderful it was to be finally be right with God, and free! My church soon became my spiritual home, my family. I attended church services, received friendship and instruction in small groups, and was discipled. I also began to attend prayer meetings, and naturally began to serve in the church. God instilled in me a desire to read Christian books and listen to Christian music. I became increasingly aware of what was going on in Christian circles and began to wrestle with the wider issues that concern all Christians sooner or later. What gives me most joy is to go back to the basics of the Christian life, because it is there that I continue to rediscover the joy of my salvation.
I would like to look at my life as an ordinary Christian life – lived in fellowship with other Christian believers – and lived by faith in the Jesus of history, the Jesus of the Bible, who is my hope and my salvation, my righteousness and my sanctification. In all the ups and downs of life, I have found him to be faithful to me and my loved ones. I thank God for it!
As an elder at MCF, I try to help my brothers and sisters in Christ to stand in the midst of life’s trials and temptations, knowing that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. I could not do this without the wonderful support of my beloved wife Alison, and my children Katrina and Johann.