Munich Christian Fellowship (MCF) is a non-denominational English-speaking evangelical church fellowship.
We meet every Sunday from 16.30 to 18.00 at the Vineyard Munich for corporate worship. See Sunday Services and How to Find Us.
During the week, we meet in Small Groups for fellowship, mutual support, prayer and bible study.
As a group of Christians from various nationalities and denominations we are united by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our desire to know Christ and to make Him known. As evangelical Christians we consider the Bible to be the standard of what we believe and how we live. In line with our Statement of Faith, we direct our energies towards being a spiritual home, a place of worship, witness and service for individuals and families from the international communities in and around Munich.
We believe that God calls people into meaningful fellowship, and if you live in the Munich area, we invite you to find out whether Munich Christian Fellowship is the local Christian body that God wants you to be a part of.
We invite you to find out more about us and our offering by browsing this website. You can contact us by using the Contact link at the bottom of this page. We look forward to hearing from you and to meeting you in person!