The stated purpose of MCF e.V. is to provide spiritual support for English speakers in the Munich area. This ministry is supported exclusively by donations from our members and attenders. We do not receive any financial support from the German state.
Tax-efficient giving
If you would like to support us, you can do so by bank transfer to the following account.
Bank Account Details of Munich Christian Fellowship e.V.
Munich Christian Fellowship
IBAN: DE27 7025 0150 0022 5056 97
Kreissparkasse München Starnberg
All contributions made by bank transfer in Euros are tax-deductible.
MCF e.V. has been recognized by the German authorities as a charitable organization. We are therefore entitled to receive donations for the purposes specified in our Vereinssatzung, i.e. to help meet the spiritual needs of English speakers in the Munich area.
At the end of every fiscal year, our Treasurer will issue a written receipt, i.e. a "Spendenbescheinigung", for all donations received by bank transfer in Euros to our bank account. Any donations made by bank transfer qualify for tax-deductions when submitted to the German authorities with your annual tax statement.
Thank you for supporting our ministry!